Vintage shopping isn’t always glamourous. It often involves sifting through old, stained clothes to find a gem. While many might enjoy the hunt, shopping at Savannah’s House of Strut is made simple. That’s because their inventory is carefully curated and thoughtfully laid out.
After being enthusiastically greeted by the shop employees, I immediately noticed
how well organized everything was. Every section was organized by color and clothe
item type, which makes it very convenient. This is especially true if you’re shopping for a
specific occasion. I could tell every item was hand-picked by true fashion
lovers with thought and care for how pieces could be mixed and matched together
to create the perfect outfit.
All the items I picked out were in pristine condition and surprisingly distinct, I
had to ask “Is this for real? Are the items in this store really vintage?”
The answer is yes. Every item in the store is authentic vintage fashion. The
shop employee even gave me the rundown of proper terminology, vintage versus
retro. Retro items are reproductions inspired by old styles, while vintage refers to the
actual age of the clothing piece itself, 20+ years.
You won’t find any “retro” pieces in this store. Everything here in
House of Strut is legit vintage, meaning, if it looks like something from the
1970s, it probably is. So, if you’re looking for fun new, vintage
pieces to add to your wardrobe, House of Strut won’t disappoint. No rummaging
through trash to find treasure here. The wonderful people of House of Strut
already did that for you.